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Near to our office we got our first beautiful bridge growing out of the ground. It´s part of the ecological trail through the local bamboo grove.

The design is by StudioBamboo; construction by Asobambu (

architecture; design; bamboo; colombia; guadua; modern; sustainable

architecture; design; bamboo; colombia; guadua; modern; sustainable

A large percentage of this bridge is to be made of guadua bamboo. To get the beams in a nice curvy shape, the bamboo poles are split up in slices. These slices get connected one by one till we get the shape we wanted.

modern organic shaped bamboo bridge by StudioBamboo

modern organic shaped bamboo bridge by StudioBamboo

Because of its shape and the super resistant guadua bamboo, this bridge structure has an incredible strength while it keeps its flexibility. These beams can be constructed directly in our workshop, exported and mounded on site in a matter of days. The last part is the roof, which will be installed in the next days. Stay tuned for the finished bridge.

DerWinter Oso

Author DerWinter Oso

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